innovative and creative EU entrepreneurs awarded

the challenge
The Enterprise Europe Network Award is a standout opportunity for recognising European Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) who are making the most of the opportunities in the EU’s single market by using the services and support of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), the world’s largest support network for SMEs, funded by the EU. It helps businesses innovate and grow on an international scale and boost their resilience in Europe and beyond. Action Public Sector was tasked by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) to maximise media coverage on the Enterprise Europe Network Awards.
our approach
Action Public Sector provided a media strategy, promoting both the finalists’ and then the winners’ stories in seven countries (two finalists were from the same country). The companies spanned a diverse range of industries from the textile and fashion industry to robotics, pharmaceuticals, the agro-food sector, wastewater treatment, to cutting edge medical and laser technology. The objective was to reach media in a wide spectrum, not only general, but economic, as well as specialised press by using the ‘story-telling’ tool. The companies’ spokespeople described in a video how they started, what steps they took and what their secrets were to reach their position in the business world now, also describing the invaluable support of the EEN. The media relations strategy was based on two phases: first, promoting the finalist stories by making the national media interested in the nominees and bring the general audience on their side. Then, in two weeks’ time, after the announcement of the winners, the focus shifted on their stories that the national media waited for and covered overwhelmingly in their countries.
- Action Public Sector led all media-relations communications, managing and coordinating with a complex stakeholder mix, including Enterprise Europe Network partners and their finalist/winner SMES in seven countries, European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) representatives, local media experts (liaising with EU member state media in the countries)
- Media activities with all reach organic across media channels
- 109 media coverage over a period of one and a half months
- 25 interviews with finalists and winners in seven countries
- Reaching over 60 million people